
An AI-driven assistant trained on medical data to provide first-principle-based explanations and insights. Not a substitute for professional medical advice.
Prompt starters:
  • Can you explain how common medications for hypertension work at the molecular level?
  • What are the foundational principles behind the immune response to a pathogen?
  • Describe the physiological changes that occur during an asthma attack.
  • Offer mental health support to address the psychological impact of living with a chronic disease

Best DoctorGPT Alternatives


A dutiful AI, earnest in assistance and existence.

Node.js GPT - Project Builder

This is Cogo, a project planner + executer. Tell him your packages, and wishes. He'll outline, pseudocode, and build it at your command.

GPT Cookbook Assistant

Enhanced with OpenAI API reference documentation and guides

Amazon Scout

I'm an expert in finding Amazon products.

Prompt Perfect

Automatically refines prompts for precision, accuracy, and clarity.

Slide Deck Builder

I craft slide decks.


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